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Get the roadside protection you need at a fraction of the cost compared to AAA1,2 and others. See why Good Sam is ranked the #1 roadside assistance program by TopConsumerReviews.com.3

goodsam logo for standard rv membership

Standard RV Membership1


Basic Plan


Unlimited-distance towing to the nearest service center4

Up to 100 miles per service event, without additional fees

Family Coverage

Member, spouse, and dependent children covered for Member-owned vehicles

Member-Only coverage. $85 extra per additional driver

North American Coverage

U.S., Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands

US, Canada, Puerto Rico and US Virgin Islands only

Tire Service

Flat tire change and roadside tire delivery5

Flat tire change only

RV Techs on Staff

Certified RV technician on staff and the nation's largest RV-specific dispatch network


RV Plans starting at


Reg. Rate $129.95
$195 +$85 per driver

Standard RV Membership1

Basic Plan


Unlimited-distance towing to the nearest service center4

Up to 100 miles per service event, without additional fees

Family Coverage

Member, Spouse and Dependent Children Covered for Member-owned Vehicles

Member-Only coverage. $85 extra per additional driver

North American Coverage

US, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands

US, Canada, Puerto Rico and US Virgin Islands only

Tire Service

Flat tire change and roadside tire delivery5

Flat tire change only

RV Techs on Staff

Certified RV technician on staff and the nation's largest RV-specific dispatch network


RV Plans starting at


Reg. Rate $129.95

Plans starting at

$195 +$85 per driver

Standard Auto Membership1


Basic Plan


Unlimited-distance towing to the nearest service center4

Mileage restricted to 7 miles per tow

Family Coverage

Member, Spouse and Dependent Children Covered for Member-owned Vehicles

Member-Only coverage. $42 extra per additional driver

Emergency Fluid Coverage

Deliver fluid and up to 5 gallons of fuel to get you to a gas station


North American Coverage

US, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands

US, Canada, Puerto Rico and US Virgin Islands only

Auto Plans starting at


Reg. Rate $99.95

Plans starting at

+$42 per driver
Enroll now
or call us today at


RV Trailer
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